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Our soup kitchen needs your help!

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Join Arbol International's social programs.

Carlitos and Fiorella come every day at around 12 pm to the house of Gabi, one of our collaborators, to receive a delicious lunch for a very basic cost. She is happy to enjoy a really tasty and healthy lunch. Her parents still cannot overcome the economic situation after the pandemic and it is that they lost their jobs in local businesses.

Programs like these try to smile back at children in the midst of uncertainty. "Our vision is to plant trees and create a culture of a self-sustaining environment, but when humanity is at stake we also put our hearts and our resources" says CEO Jorge Zuniga.

Donate so other children can enjoy super cheap lunches throughout the territory of San Jose de Yarinacocha in the Peruvian jungle.

We appreciate your detachment.

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